Today on day 5 of the European Championship in offshore sailing we sailed the short offshore race, a 43 nm course outside Hankö, Norway. Conditions was yet again great with lighter wind after postponing the start two hours. We sailed the course in around 7 hours. We managed to win and this was our third race win in the Europeans. We sailed really well today with great speed, maneuvers, tactics and strategy.
– Our start and first beat was nor great but then we found the right way on the course and noticed changes quickly and had great boat speed with a dedicated and focused team that did everything to go as fast as possible, say Peter Thorwid tactician.

After today’s win in the seventh race we have the series: 1, 4, 1, (6), 5, 3 and 1 with a total of 15 after one discard. Overall, after today we are in second place and have secured a medal overall but the tomorrow it will be decided if we get a silver or bronze. We congratulate Estonian Katarina 2 who won class C having 10 points after today and then Estonian Matilda 4 (with 17 points after today) will also be on the podium.
Results in the open division is here: Open results
In the Corinthian division it is already clear that we won the gold medal. Results in the Corinhian division is here: Corinthian results

Tomorrow is the final day of the Europeans and plan is to sail one inshore race. We will try to do our best to fight for the silver medal but competition will be hard but in any case we will end at the podium in in an all European competition plus winning the Corinthian (amateur) division.