Today day four of European Championship in offshore sailing was completed in Norway. We sailed another two inshore races in great conditions, wind between 15-20 knots with sunshine so real sailing propaganda! Overall today we have sailed relatively well and managed to get a 5th and 3rd place in the two races. The competition mainly from the two Estonian boats Katarina 2 and Matilda 4 however is really tough and even when you sail relatively well it is not enough to beat them in conditions as today.

After today we have sailed 6 races out of 8 and we have the series 1, 4, 1, (6), 5 and 3 with a total of 14 after one discard. In the lead is Katarina 2 with 8 points and Matilda 4 with 11 points.
We are in the lead in the Corinthian division, results here.

Tomorrow EC continues with the next to last race day with the short offshore race and this will also be very important as it cannot be discarded. We will try to do our very best to score well to try to get closer to the two Estonian boats in the lead but it will not be easy. Then on Saturday EC will be finalized with one inshore race.