
Nice morning for sea measurement

Gathering at 05:00 today for sea measurement of Malin – nice morning and feels like the heat is coming now! Thank you Johan Tuvstedt.

Win in Viggan Open training sailing!

Today we sailed Viggan Open training sailing on Trälhavet. There were six fun training sailings at a good pace with nice courses. We actually managed to win all six training races according to the ORCi rule and with a calculated result it was a total of 5. According to the SRS rule, we came 2nd in the first race but then managed to win the remaining five training races, with one excluded it was also a total of 5.

The results of the training can be found here:

It was fun and very useful to train with several other boats as we trained a lot ourselves earlier in the season. We are happy with our sailings today, we learned a lot and there are several things to improve but by and large it floated on nicely! Many thanks also to the organizers of viggan open that you arranged such a good training day for us sailors! We'd love to come again next year.

Videos from the starts can be found on viggan open's page where pictures will also be posted later:

The image below from another competition a previous year.

Nice day at sea!

Today we drove all day on the sea outside Sandhamn again. A little less wind and waves compared to last Saturday, around 16-20 knots wind and sunshine, very nice conditions. Today, the focus was to drive speed with our hard wind flax, find crossover between Jibtop and S3 in the prevailing wind, track with maneuvers in sea lake and finally start training. We have had really good training with several good lessons.

Full day at sea today!

Today we did a full-day training on the sea outside Sandhamn. It was quite windy about 22-26 knots during the day with a good sea lake. Sunny but really cold though. Really good to train in these conditions and you are reminded if everything becomes so much more difficult and takes longer when everything is rocking and tilting and to train in tough offshore conditions that today are very useful!

The focus of the day was partly to make sailcheck of our new sails and to do speed tests with our new fock. We had expert expertise in the form of Martin from North Sails on the boat which was great.

Our new sails, including a Jib Top and new stag sail, look awesome and it's fun to work with North Sails who are real professionals! During the speed tests with our new hard wind flanx, we found a little extra speed after some trim changes – the sail feels fast! Check out the video below at our new reaching setup.

The training has started!

Now Team Pro4u is up and running with training sessions and today we ran the second session of the season. Really special start with heavy snowfall and poor visibility but the weather got better and during the afternoon it was really good conditions with 15-20 knots wind. Thanks to the fact that we trained until Lucia last year, we have started well this year and the maneuvers are already starting to flow perfectly ok, but of course, as always, it is always possible to improve details. We also had time to try some new sails that we hope will make us faster during the season!

Team Pro4u Summary 2020

Despite special conditions, we at Team Pro4u have trained and competed on in 2020 as far as possible and below is a summary of the year and a forward look at 2021 of 1.5 minutes. We look forward to next season with both the Swedish Championship and the World Championships!

Best effort in KSSS training activities

Yesterday during ksss annual meeting we in Team Pro4u were awarded "Princess Christina's trophy" for best effort in KSSS training activities, the year 2020.

It is with great pleasure that we receive this award and would like to thank KSSS and our sponsors for enabling us to run ksss offshore clinic.  

Registration for ORCi SM open – see you there, right?

Registration for ORCi SM at the end of July is open and Team Pro4u is registered. I'll see you there, right? See below information and attached brochure.

"Best ORCi sailor,

Swedish Championship ORCi 2021 in Simrishamn is now open for registration via the event's website

We welcome Swedish as well as foreign participants to the regatta and I look forward to meeting you in Simrishamn at the end of July.

Please spread this information to all sailors who may be interested.

Sailing greetings,

Pehr Ola Pehrsson, NRO

Pehr Ola Pehrsson        

Phone +46 (0)70 857 76 09"

KSSS Offshore Clinic 2021 - search before 31/1

Are you a young sailor (between 16-30 years old) who wants to be a better sea sailor? Then search KSSS Offshore Clinic 2021 that we in Team Pro4u arrange together with KSSS! Deadline for applications 31 January 2021.
Watch the movie from the 1st year!

More information can be found here:

The movie:

At KSSS Offshore Clinic you will learn how to sail a large boat with full crew and Shorthanded. For example, we will go through maneuvers such as jibes and flying sail changes, speed, instrument navigation, performance management, weather routing and software for tactical and strategic navigation.

If you want to be in demand as a crew at ÅF Offshore Race or do you want to start your journey towards an Ocean Race, then this training is for you.

Team Pro4u KSSS Club Champion 2020!

Today we competed in the KSSS Club Championship in J/70. There were twelve teams (who ran in heats of four boats) that participated and we competed in sprint sailing and we in Team Pro4u managed to win the race and become KSSS Club Champion 2020! In the first round we were run five races and we managed to nail four of these and came second in one but it was tight at the top with several good teams. In the end it was a final race that was our worst race and we came third. However, it was enough because the results of all the sailings were counted and we won on nine points with the series: 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 and 3. Second came Ronny Gustavsson with crew of 10 points and third Christian Harding with crew with eleven points.

Results here:

We thank KSSS for a very good and nice arrangement with nice sailings and brilliant autumn weather!
