
Sök till KSSS Offshore Clinic i samarbete med Team Pro4u före 31 januari

Vill du ha en toppklassutbildning i havskappsegling eller vet någon som söker det? Då är det KSSS Offshore Clinic i samarbete med Team Pro4u som gäller. Utbildningen är öppen för seglare mellan 16 och 30 år som vill ta nästa steg i sin seglingskarriär. KSSS Offshore Clinic drivs i samarbete med Team Pro4u som radat upp topplaceringar i ORCi de senaste åren, såväl i Sverige som internationellt.

Utbildningen startar i mars 2023 och avslutas i oktober och innehåller teoripass blandat med seglingspass, varav en heldag på havet utanför Sandhamn på våren.  Totalt innebär det 50 timmar segling och 17,5 timmar teori.

Läs mer ansök här:

Pro4u’s 25-års firande

Igår anordnade vår huvudsponsor Pro4u en middag med underhållning samt efterföljande dans i Stadshusets Gyllene sal för att fira att bolaget fyller 25 år. Vi var några nuvarande och före detta seglare med respektive från Team Pro4u på plats för firandet.

Team Pro4u´s S2 som vi seglat med så många gånger upphängd i Stadshuset

Vi tackar å segelteamets vägnar för en fantastisk kväll med utsökt middag samt trevlig underhållning med bl a Abba the Show!

Prisbord med ett urval av priser och utmärkelser

Stort tack till Pro4u som bjöd in oss seglare till detta firande. Slutligen riktar vi stor tacksamhet till Pro4u som varit en långsiktig partner och varit vår huvudsponsor under 8 år sedan 2014. Vi hoppas vårt samarbete kan fortsätta lika framgångsrikt även framöver!

Gyllene salen med Mälardrottningen på väggen innan alla gäster kommit till middagen

Vinst i danska öppna mästerskapen i J/70

Efter två dagar med fin vind och tighta race kan vi nu titulera oss som vinnare av öppna danska mästerskapen i J/70.

Det var flera målgångar där vi både tog och förlorade placeringar precis på mållinjen samt gick våran gennacker gick sönder i segling 3 på lördagen. Som tur va hann ut till lördagens 5e och sista segling. Totalt blev de 8 seglingar över två dagar och vi fick 22 poäng med serien 2, 2, 3, (36 DNS), 5, 5, 1, 4

Stort tack till Kas, Kjøbenhavns Amatør-Sejlklub för återigen ett fint arrangemang samt tack till alla de andra besättningarna för en rolig och spännande helg

Brons i Öppna klassen på J/70 SM

Under fredag, lördag och söndag har vi seglat öppna svenska mästerskapen i J/70 på Mysingen utanför Nynäshamn. Fredagen bjöd på sol och medelstarka vindar från ost vilket betydde relativt platt vatten och stora skillnader i vindriktning och vindstyrka. Vi började dagen med en 25te plats men hittade sedan farten med en spik och en 9onde plats.

Lördagen blåste det för lite för att ett race skulle kunna genomföras.

Söndagen bjöd på nordliga vindar på 10–15 m/s och stora vågor. Något vi gillar. 3 race genomfördes och vi kände att vi gick snabbare och snabbare under dagen. Fantastiska förhållanden med farter upp mot 20 knop på länsarna. Resultatmässigt fick med oss 3, 4, 1 vilket räckte till ett brons i öppna klassen och ett silver bland de svenska båtarna.

Vi vill gratulera vinnarna Intermezzo och åländska Alandia sailing team som tog hem silvret samt tacka arrangörerna Nynäshamns seglarsällskap för ett fint arrangerat SM!

Corinthian gold and Open bronze in European Championship today!

Today the European Championship in offshore sailing was completed in Norway. During the last 6th race day we sailed one final inshore race and overall we have sailed 8 races during the Championship. The conditions and weather continued to be fantastic with sunshine and light to average winds around 10-15 knots during the day.

We ended up taking gold in the class C Corinthian (amateur) division and this was our 10th Corinthian victory in a row since 2012 in Worlds and Europeans (no championship 2020). Furthermore, we took bronze in the Open division among the around 30 participating class C boats.

Results in the Open division is here: Open results

Results in the Corinthian division is here: Corinthian results

The race today was challenging and we suspected Matilda 4 would try to disturb us to secure the silver and given they have the faster/larger boat is would be difficult for us to maneuver away from that. Exactly that happened and Matilda 4 destroyed our wind the entire race and we ended up far down in the list for todays race due to this. We had a similar experience 2018 when we were fighting for the gold in the Worlds in the Hague and it is no fun but sort of expected and part of the sailing game.

So to summarize our series during the 8 races were: 1, 4, 1, 6, 5, 3, 1 and (17) with a total of 21 points after one discard. We managed to get 3 race wins and only the gold medal boat and we managed to get that. We also won both of the offshore races (long and short) and if the scoring would have been different (more weight for longer offshore races) then the podium might have looked different to our advantage.

In any case being on the podium in the Open division and winning the Corinthian division was our goal for the Europeans and we are very happy achieving this!

We also congratulate Estonian Katarina 2 for winning the gold in the Open division and Estonian Matilda 4 for taking the silver. We also congratulate Estonian Shadow for silver in the Corinthian division and Lithuanian Arabela for Corinthian bronze.

When we summary this European Championship we have had a great time here in Hankö, Norway and during the race week the weather has been really good (not equally good the training week before). We thank the organizing club KNS, ORC and all competitors for yet again a great championship and we have really enjoyed the beautiful surroundings here at Hankö!

See more about the EC in Norway here.

We will of course be back next year for the World Championship in Kiel, Germany!

First place in the Europeans short offshore race today!

Today on day 5 of the European Championship in offshore sailing we sailed the short offshore race, a 43 nm course outside Hankö, Norway. Conditions was yet again great with lighter wind after postponing the start two hours. We sailed the course in around 7 hours. We managed to win and this was our third race win in the Europeans. We sailed really well today with great speed, maneuvers, tactics and strategy.

– Our start and first beat was nor great but then we found the right way on the course and noticed changes quickly and had great boat speed with a dedicated and focused team that did everything to go as fast as possible, say Peter Thorwid tactician.

After today’s win in the seventh race we have the series: 1, 4, 1, (6), 5, 3 and 1 with a total of 15 after one discard. Overall, after today we are in second place and have secured a medal overall but the tomorrow it will be decided if we get a silver or bronze. We congratulate Estonian Katarina 2 who won class C having 10 points after today and then Estonian Matilda 4 (with 17 points after today) will also be on the podium.

Results in the open division is here: Open results

In the Corinthian division it is already clear that we won the gold medal. Results in the Corinhian division is here: Corinthian results

Tomorrow is the final day of the Europeans and plan is to sail one inshore race. We will try to do our best to fight for the silver medal but competition will be hard but in any case we will end at the podium in in an all European competition plus winning the Corinthian (amateur) division.

European Championship day 4

Today day four of European Championship in offshore sailing was completed in Norway. We sailed another two inshore races in great conditions, wind between 15-20 knots with sunshine so real sailing propaganda! Overall today we have sailed relatively well and managed to get a 5th and 3rd place in the two races. The competition mainly from the two Estonian boats Katarina 2 and Matilda 4 however is really tough and even when you sail relatively well it is not enough to beat them in conditions as today.

After today we have sailed 6 races out of 8 and we have the series 1, 4, 1, (6), 5 and 3 with a total of 14 after one discard. In the lead is Katarina 2 with 8 points and Matilda 4 with 11 points.

Results are here.

We are in the lead in the Corinthian division, results here.

Tomorrow EC continues with the next to last race day with the short offshore race and this will also be very important as it cannot be discarded. We will try to do our very best to score well to try to get closer to the two Estonian boats in the lead but it will not be easy. Then on Saturday EC will be finalized with one inshore race.

Inshore races today at EC in Norway

Today European Championship in offshore sailing continued in Norway. Great conditions with average wind and nice weather. We did three inshore races today and we came places 4, 1 and 6 in the three races. In the first day we did not make a good start and had to fight to sail in free wind and suffered from that and then we came fourth. In second race today we did a good start and generally sailed very good and managed to win our second race in the regatta. In todays last race we did not sail so well and did not find the correct way and finished in 6th place.

Overall, we now have the series 1, 4, 1, 6 with a total score of 12. We are in third place overall and Estonian Katarina 2 is in the lead with Matilda 4 in second place.

Results are here.

We are of course pleased with being the only boat so far with two race wins but we are not so happy with todays 4 and 6 race scores. Tomorrow we will try to consistently produce better results.

The plan is that there will be two inshore races.

See all about EC here.

European Championship: We won the long offshore race!

Today we finished the long offshore race in the European Championship (EC) that is ongoing in Hankö, Norway. We sailed a course that went into the Oslo fjord and then out on Skagerak and two times to Sweden and back. The course was 144 nm and we managed to sail the course in around 24 hours coming to port this morning around 10.

We did a very good race and we managed to win the class C with a margin of 38 minutes. In second place cam Estonian Katarina 2 and in third Norwegian ibb. Generally, it was a great team win and we have great speed, good maneuvers and generally we sailed in the right places, so overall we are very pleased with our performance and how we conducted the race. It is also great that we managed to get a good score in this long offshore race as it cannot be discarded in the total count.

The results from the race is here.

– It is great to be off to a good start of the regatta and I am very pleased how the crew drove the boat fast and how well we performed. We now look forward to more race days and and some inshore races tomorrow, says Patrik Forsgren skipper.

The EC continues tomorrow with two planned inshore races and the weather forecast looks promising so we have to continue work hard. The plan overall is for 8 races and the EC continues this week and finshes on Saturday.

More about the EC can be found here.
